Acupuncture & Massage
in the Scottish Borders
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
Acupuncture is one of the branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine which has been developed and practised for over 2000 years. It follows the principle that the smooth flow of qi (energy) throughout the body is essential for good health. If this flow is disrupted in any way, pain or illness may occur.
Acupuncture works by accessing points along the pathways (meridians) of qi to correct the flow. It is an holistic approach which aims to treat the root of health problems by seeing the whole person which means it can be effective for a wide range of conditions.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into the body. Levels of sensation vary from person to person and also upon the location of the point on the body. The feeling of the needles is often likened to a mild electrical tingling followed by a dull ache.
Needles are sterile and single use only.